Homeless in North County, San Diego
Homeless inNorth County, San Diego
We continue working with homeless shelters around North County, San Diego on a monthly basis in partnership with a few other organizations that provide hygiene care and other basic necessities.$0.00 donated -
Children in North County, San Diego
Children inNorth County, San Diego
Serving schoolchildren in low-income districts who often struggle to get 3 meals a day, let alone get a new pair of shoes.$0.00 donated -
Medellín and Bogotá
Medellín and Bogotá
Supporting numerous foundations and orphanages in the two biggest metropolitan areas in Colombia.$0.00 donated -
Coastal Colombia
Coastal Colombia
Covering areas on the Pacific Ocean side of Colombia such as Nabuga, Chori Uraba, as well as on the Atlantic side such as Moñitos, Cordoba.$0.00 donated -
The Amazon Rainforest
The Amazon Rainforest
Multiple occasions over the years our volunteers have taken shoes deep into the Amazon jungle.
$0.00 donated